- FSU巴拿马城是一个国家认可的一级研究机构的区域校园
- 该国技术最先进的学习设施于2013年10月在巴拿马城的墨西哥湾沿岸州立学院开放
- 海湾县的高中生在SAT考试中的得分高于全国的学生
- 海湾县的高中毕业生比例高于佛罗里达州
湾县有必要的基础设施来培养高素质的人才,以满足当今的菠菜稳台子需求. From early learning opportunities to post-secondary degree programs, Bay County has access to quality educational institutions. To meet the rising demands for science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers, 我们一流的教育机构与我们的商界合作,将现实世界的项目融入他们的课程.
Bay County's Educational Institutions
Florida State University
Panama City is home to the regional campus of The Florida State University, a nationally recognized Tier-1 research institution. 佛罗里达州立大学巴拿马城分校(FSU巴拿马城)的使命是通过提供高质量的本科和研究生课程来创造机会, 以及鼓励区域军事和商业研究伙伴关系,以丰富和赋予个人权力. FSU巴拿马城提供各种高需求职业领域的四年制学位计划.
FSU巴拿马城的国家认可的学位课程提供学术质量和价值. U.S. 《十大菠菜台子》将佛罗里达州立大学列为全美公立大学前50名. FSU在福布斯百强百思买大学中排名第14位,在吉普林格公立大学最佳价值排行榜中排名第18位. 根据普林斯顿评论,FSU是全国最具价值的大学之一. FSU巴拿马城校区提供的许多项目都获得了国家优秀奖.
作为世界一流大学的一部分,以卓越的教学和最先进的技术而闻名, FSU巴拿马城提供了在美丽的海滨环境中较小的校园获得学位的机会. Located along North Bay in Panama City, Florida, 校园的自然美景为学习提供了完美的环境.
FSU巴拿马城致力于为学生提供一个温馨和支持的环境,最大限度地提高他们的学习和个人发展机会. Students are encouraged to get involved. In addition to academics, 通过参加一些学生组织,学生可以获得社会和领导的机会. The learning experience continues outside the classroom through work-study, 与FSU巴拿马城的许多社区和商业合作伙伴一起实习和合作机会.
Visit Florida State University Panama City's Website
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
安柏瑞德航空大学在其位于海湾县廷德尔空军基地的全球校区提供本科和研究生学位课程. Courses of study include Aeronautical Science, Management, Professional Aeronautics and Technical Management. 安柏瑞德还提供12个航空相关专业的本科和研究生证书课程.
Visit Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's Website
Troy University
特洛伊大学的巴拿马城/廷德尔空军基地是特洛伊大学在美国的60个教学点之一.S. and around the world.
Troy offers several in-class and online undergraduate and graduate courses, including Business Administration, Computer Science and Resource and Technology Management.
Visit Troy University's Website
Gulf Coast State College
Gulf Coast State College (GCSC) has served Northwest Florida since 1957. GCSC offers dynamic workforce-focused degree programs in numerous fields, including Computer Science and Software Engineering, Engineering, Information Technology and Medical Technology. The certificate programs include Applied Science and Applied Technical. GCSC最近设立了第一个应用科学与技术管理学士学位.
Each semester, the college enrolls over 7,000 students in credit courses, with thousands more registering in its continuing education programs. GCSC offers customer service training through its Lifelong Learning Center.
学院最先进的先进技术中心(ATC)于2013年10月开放. 该中心是国内技术最先进的学习设施之一. ATC将提供适应新技术菠菜稳台子需求的培训, engineering, and alternative energy industries. Educational opportunities will be offered in fields such as renewable energies, alternative energies, sustainable building design, architecture and engineering, information science, computer integrated manufacturing, e-Learning, and culinary arts careers. 这些项目旨在增加学生的学习机会,并将商业和创业原则融入其教育宗旨.
这些项目将扩展到ATC之外,并在与K-12机构合作的非现场学习实验室提供, the area military installations and community businesses. An Entrepreneurial Development Center, 虚拟孵化器和企业家研究所也将设在ATC内, 促进新想法的发展,并为佛罗里达州西北部的新老企业提供支持.
Visit Gulf Coast State College's Website
Haney Technical Center
哈尼技术中心一直致力于为学生提供从18种不同的菠菜稳台子教育选择中选择的机会. Graduates have proven to be self-confident in their pursuits, 接受过与自己职业兴趣相关的技术培训,能够对快速变化的世界做出反应. Haney的使命是为所有学生提供教育机会,并提供必要的培训,以满足当今不断变化的工作场所的需求和标准. Program lengths range from 9 months to over 2 years. Many students are career ready in just one year. 哈尼还提供普通教育文凭、成人基础教育和其他语言的英语课程.
Some of the more popular training programs include aviation mechanics, welding, industrial pipefitter, HVAC, electrical, automotive service and collision, marine mechanics and nursing. Haney is a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certified, CFR Part 147航空维修技术员学校,为航空维修一般技术员提供培训, aviation airframe mechanics and aviation powerplant mechanics. 根据2017年COE年度报告数据,哈尼学生的平均执照通过率为97%.
Visit Haney Technical Center's Website
Bay District Schools
Bay District Schools serves approximately 28,000 students each year (PreK-12). Educational services are provided to an additional 1,在公立学区以外的成人教育和其他教育项目中,有1万名学生.
The district is comprised of 19 elementary schools, six middle schools, five high schools, two combined grade level schools (K-8 and K-12), three special purpose schools, one adult/technical education school, eleven charter schools and one virtual school.
2017 SAT Scores | EBRW* | Math | Total |
Bay County | 539 | 507 | 1047 |
Florida | 520 | 497 | 1017 |
U.S. | 569 | 557 | 1126 |
*EBRW = Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
一些初中和高中提供项目引领课程(PLTW),旨在培养学生成为STEM领域最具创新性和生产力的领导者. Through an engaging, hands-on curriculum, PLTW encourages the development of problem-solving skills, critical thinking and creative and innovative reasoning.
Visit Bay District Schools' Website
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